Deep vein thrombosis DVT Symptoms & causes
“It causes redness, tenderness, or pain over varicose veins,” Dr. Scovell says. However, blood clots can become dangerous when they form in a blood vessel without any obvious injury and do not naturally dissolve. Depending on whether a clot forms in an artery or vein, it may cause slightly different problems. The American Society of […]
What Are Living Amends? And How Do You Make Them? Cake Blog Cake: Create a Free End of Life Plan
As the person in recovery continues to grow and evolve, they may uncover additional relationships or harms that require attention and repair. When making amends it is important that you focus on your behaviors only and your amends. Or because of my drug use I ….” have no place in this process. Of course, others […]
12 Things That Happen When You Quit Drinking
After 2 weeks Alcoholics Anonymous of no alcohol, you may continue to enjoy the health benefits of better sleep and hydration. Those who experience the most severe and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms do not begin to have them until day 2 or 3. In addition, alcohol-free drink options are continuing to grow in popularity, and these […]